
 Part 1 - Beginning of the Reconstruction Explained - 

Introduction to the House Build

This video, from my good friend Rodney Grubbs, will provide some perspective of the book "House of the Messenger".  Upon completion of the reconstruction of the Joseph Greer House, the book will soon follow.  Additional videos are on the way!

Volunteers are reconstructing the Joseph Greer Cabin at Camp Blount in Fayetteville, Tennessee. The house will include materials from the original Joseph Greer cabin, as well materials gathered from similar structures in the area. Joseph Greer informed the Continental Congress that the British Army's, Major Ferguson, at the Battle of Kings Mountain had been defeated, allowing George Washington to no longer fear British reinforcements, and ultimately led to the end of the American Revolution at Yorktown.


 All proceeds from the sale of the "House of the Messenger" support the Joseph Greer Chapter and the Tennessee Society, Sons of the American Revolution. The funds will be allocated to historical and educational programs dedicated to the founding principles of the republic and the Constitution of the United States.

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