
Resources and references for log buildings and preservation.  Available online links/URls are included where available.

Major Informational Sources

Technical Preservation Services, Preservation Briefs, National Park Service (NPS),

Bealer, A. W., and J. 0. Ellis, 1978, The log cabin; homes of the North American wilderness. NY: Clarkston N. Potter, Inc., A nontechnical look at the log cabin in America, from colonial times to the present. Very well illustrated,

Beard, D. C., 1914, Shelters, shacks, and shanties. NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. Contains numerous sketches of log, pole, and timber construction. A very early look at this kind of construction,

Fickes, C. P., and W. E. Crolen, 1957 Building with logs. U.S. Forest Service, misc. publication No. 579. A primer for 20th century log cabin construction with excellent line drawings and photos,

Jordan, Terry, 1978, Texas log buildings: a folk architecture. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press. A look at Texas log cabins and their Germanic origins, as well as a study in methodology,

Kniffen, Fred B., 1936 Louisiana house types. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 26:179-193., Important as an informational source for floor-plan terminology, applicable for most of the United States.

Kniffen, F. (1965). Folk Housing: Key to Diffusion. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 55(4), 549–577.

Kniffen, F., & Glassie, H. (1966). Building in Wood in the Eastern United States: A Time-Place Perspective. Geographical Review, 56(1), 40–66, Probably the most important brief publication on cabin technology, it attempts to describe and interpret the establishment and westward movement of cabin technology across eastern North America,

Kniffen, F. (2018). On Corner-Timbering. Material Culture, 50(1), 41–46, Descriptions and illustrations of all major notching types, with discussions about their origins, evolution, and relative merits,

Mackie, B. Allen, 1972 Building with logs. Prince George, B.C.: Hairy Woodpecker Pub. Mostly a "how-to" manual, but provides information on French and Canadian building techniques,

Mackie, B. Allen, 1977 Notches of all kinds. Prince George, B.C.: Hairy Woodpecker Pub.

Mackie, B. Allen, 2005, Log Span Tables for Floor Joists, Beams and Roof Support Systems, International Log Builders Association, ISBN     9780963690203 (ISBN10: 0963690205),

Fisette, Paul, 1997, Understanding Loads and Using Span Tables, American Wood Council,

American Wood Council, Span Tables for Joists And Rafters 2012 Edition, American Softwood Lumber Standard (PS 20-10) Sizes,

International Residential Code - 2018 (IRC), and

Swanson, William, 1948 Log Cabins. New York: The Macmillan Company, one of the great al inclusive log house building books,

Weslager, C. A., 1969 The log cabin in America. Rutgers University Press. One of the most significant and thorough books on the subject: includes history, typology, illustrations,

Shedd, Nancy S., 1986, Corner-Post Log Construction, A Report to Early American Industries Association, DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: To investigate the building techniques, geographical distribution, and construction dates of log structures in Southeastern and Central Pennsylvania which employ vertical corner (and medial) posts rather than corner notches and to trace the historical antecedents of this method of construction,

Theoretically Valuable Sources

Barnett, Homer, 1953, Innovation – The Basis for Cultural Change, New York: MacGraw Hill. An overlooked but important source in the analysis of change within culture. His theories are very applicable to vernacular architecture,

Glassie, Henry, 1968, Pattern in the material folk culture of the eastern United States. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Defines and examines vernacular architecture in the eastern United States, with an emphasis on origins and mechanisms for change,

Glassie, Henry, 1975, Folk housing in middle Virginia. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. Probably the most detailed study of a vernacular architecture in existence. Looks at changes in typology over a 200-year period in the architecture of middle Virginia. Study Includes both log and frame structures,

Kniffen, F. (1965). Folk Housing: Key to Diffusion. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 55(4), 549–577.  A geographer’s view of vernacular types. It includes a look at notching and cabin types (including some front-gabled varieties) and traces the western diffusion of these variables (into the Midwest only).

Meyer, D. K. (1975). Diffusion of Upland South Folk Housing to the Shawnee Hills of Southern Illinois. Pioneer America, 7(2), 56–66, A test of Glassie’s theories about changes and diffusion as put forth in his Middle Virginia book,

Shurtleff, Harold R., 1939, The log cabin myth: a study of early dwellings of the English colonists in North America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. A separation of fact from fiction in the early architecture and materials of North American colonists; very good source for the historical background of log housing in North America,

General Sources

(The following publications are not directly written about log construction but do include some cabin information, or else are about cabins, but of a very general nature.)

Aldrich, Chilson D., 1934, The real log cabin. New York: Macmillan Co.,

Gould, Mary Earl, 1965,  Early American life: households in America (1620-1850), Ruttland, Vermont: Tuttle Publishers,

Guidoni, Enrico, 1977, Primitive architecture, New York: H. N. Abrahams, Interesting cross-cultural look at vernacular building traditions,

HOAGLAND, A. K. (2018). The Log Cabin: An American Icon. University of Virginia Press.

Hoover, Helen, 1969, A place in the woods. New York: Alphred A. Knopf,

Kemp, Oliver, 1908, Wilderness homes: a book of log cabins. New York: The Outing Publishing Co. (2nd ed., 1911),

Labastvllle, Anne, 1976, Woodswoman. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co.,

MASON, Benard S., 1945, Woodsmanship, A.S. Barnes and Company, New York,

Mercer, H. C., 1923, The dating of old homes. Doylestown, Pa.: Bucks County Historical Society Papers, Vol. 5.,

Mercer,H. C.,1975, Ancient carpenter's tools. Doylestoim, Pa.: Bucks County Historical Society (reprint).

Morrison, Hugh, 1952, Early American architecture: colonial to national period. Toronto: Oxford University Press,

National park Service History Library,

Orians,G. Harrison, 1955, My life in a log house; Northwest Ohio Quarterly 27: Fall.

Peterson, Charles E., 1976, Building early America. Radnor, Pa.: Chilton Book Company,

Rustrum, Calvin S., 1961 The wilderness cabin. New York: Macmillan Co., A general overview of cabin and adobe techniques and variations,

Scully, Vin, 1962 The earth the temple, and the gods. New Haven: Yale University Press,

Sloane, Eric

                1954, American barns and covered bridges. New York: Funk and Wagnalls,

1954, Eric Sloan’s America, Promontory Press, New York, NY,

                1963, ABC Book of Early America, Hastings House Publishers ,

1964, A museum of early American tools. New York: Funk and Wagnalls,

                1965, A reverence for wood. New York: Wilfred Funk, Inc.,

                1975 Cabins and vacation homes. Menlo Park, Calif.: Lane Publishing Co.

                1976 The log cabin renaissance; Sunset Magazine, October: 74-83.

Waterman, Thomas T., 1950,  The dwellings of colonial America. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press,

Wiggington, Eliot; Editor, 1972, The foxfire book. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co.,

Dillon, Ralph, (editor), 1938, Sunset's cabin plan book (Catalog), Sunset Magazine, San Francisco, CA,

A. The Western United States

Attebery, Jennifer Eastman, 1976, Log construction in the Sawtooth Valley of Idaho. Pioneer America 8(1): 36-46,

Gritzner, C. F. (1971). Log Housing In New Mexico. Pioneer America, 3(2), 54–62.

Carlson, Axel R., 1977 Building a log house in Alaska. Fairbanks, Alaska: University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service,

Comstock, William Phillips, 1915, Bungalows, Camps, and Mountain Houses. William Comstock Co.,

Jackson, J. B., 1975, A catalog of New Mexico building terms. Landscape 1(3): 31-32. A short glossary of Mexican architectural terms, both official and vernacular.

Kilpinen, Jon T., 1995, The Front .. Gabled Log Cabin And The Role Of The Great Plains In The Formation of the Mountain West's Built Landscape", Great Plains Quarterly. Paper 1046, University of Nebraska,

McDaniel, Marion, and Jerry Wylie, 1979, Cultural resource evaluation of Sater Cabin - Little Creek. Middle Fork Ranger District, Challis National Forest, Idaho. USDA, Forest Service, Intermountain Region.

Muckelroy, Duncan C., 1974, Ranching history of the American West: revitalized through the preservation of its architecture. Pioneer America 6(2); 34-42. Looks at examples of preserved Texas ranch houses, including dugouts, and vertical log construction.

Perry, Edgar, 1971 The old log cabin. Tucson: The Arizona State Historical Society.

Pittman, Leon Sidney, 1973, A survey of the 19th century folk housing of the Mormons. Salt Lake City: Utah State Historical Society.

Proenneke, Keith, and Richard Proenneke, 1973, One man’s wilderness. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company.

Rice, Ed, 1975, Building in the North. Fairbanks, Alaska: Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska.

Schumann, David R., 1976 Building with house logs in Alaska. Juneau, Alaska: Division of State and Private Forestry, USDA, Forest Service.

Segger, Martin, 1977 Log idom survivals in West Coast architecture (1890-1930). Banff, Alberta: Canadian Log Structures Conference.

Sultz, Phillip W., 1964, From sagebrush to hay and back again. American West 1(1): 20-30., A photo-essay of log structures around Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

                1969 Architectural values of early frontier log structures. From Forms upon the frontier; folklife and folk arts in the United States. Logan, Utah. Again dealing with Jackson Hole, Wyoming, but also discusses the factors that may have influenced structural design.

Sutherland, M., and J. Lock, 1949, Adobe New Mexico. National Geographic 96(6): December.

Vaughan, Thomas; Editor, 1974, Space, style, and structure; buildings in northwest America (2 volumes). Portland: Oregon Historical Society. A thorough examination of Northwest building styles from pioneer days to modern cities.

WILSON, Mary, 1984, The Rocky Mountain Cabin, Log Cabin Studies, Cultural Resources No.9, Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA),

Wylie, Jerry, 1978,  Cultural resource evaluation of the Sack (Kipp) cabin. Big Springs. Island Park Ranger District, Targhee National Forest, Idaho. USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Region.

                1979 A cultural resource evaluation of the Cabin Creek Ranch, Payette National Forest. Appendices by Rossillion and Sprague, Green, Attebery, Dalstrum, Hartung, and Wells. USDA-Forest Service, Intermountain Region.

B. The Midwest and Plains States

Bonebright, Harriet B., 1921, The Midwest and Plains States, Reminiscences of Newcastle, Iowa in 1848. Des Moines: State of Iowa History Dept. A variety of frontier tasks are discussed.

Brandt, L. R., & Braatz, N. E. (1972). Log Buildings in Portage County, Wisconsin: Some Cultural Implications. Pioneer America, 4(1), 29–39.

Fisher, O., (1965) “Life in a Log Home”, The Annals of Iowa 37(8), 561-573. doi:

Hudson, J. (1973). Two Dakota Homestead Frontiers. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 63(4), 442–462.

Hutslar, Donald A., 1986, The architecture of migration : log construction in the Ohio country, 1750-1850, Ohio University Press, Athens Ohio,

Klammer, Paul A., 1960, Collecting log cabins: a photographer's hobby. Minnesota History 37(2).

Marshall, H. W. (1971). The “Thousand Acres” Log House Monroe County, Indiana. Pioneer America, 3(1), 48–56.

Meyer, D. K. (1975). Diffusion of Upland South Folk Housing to the Shawnee Hills of Southern Illinois. Pioneer America, 7(2), 56–66.

Conover, J. H. (1968). [Review of The Architecture of Wisconsin, by R. W. E. Perrin]. New York History, 49(3), 361–363.

Petersen, W. J., (1960) “The Pioneer Log Cabin”, The Palimpsest 41(11), 485-516. doi:

Welsch, Roger L., 1980, Nebraska log construction: momentum in tradition. Nebraska History, fall: 310-335.

Witzel, S. A., 1935, Log buildings. Madison: Agricultural Extension Service Circular 158, University of Wisconsin.               


C. The East and the South

Alexander, Drury B., and Tod Webb, 1966, Texas homes of the nineteenth century. Austin: The University of Texas Press,

Alcott, John V., 1963,  Colonial homes in North Carolina. Carolina Charter Tercentenary Committee, Raleigh,

Arthur, E. R., and D. Whitney, 1972 The barn. Galahad Books., New York, , ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0883654057,

Bastian, R. W. (1977). INDIANA FOLK ARCHITECTURE: A LOWER MIDWESTERN INDEX. Pioneer America, 9(2), 115–136.

Black, Patti Carr, 1976, Mississippi piney woods architecture. Jackson: Mississippi State History Museum,

Bronner, Simon J., 'American Folk Buildings, Constructions, and Landscapes', in Simon J. Bronner (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Folklore and Folklife Studies, Oxford Handbooks (2019; online edn, Oxford Academic, 7 Mar. 2018),

Bucher, Robert C., 1962, The continental log house. Pennsylvania Folkllfe 12(4): 14-19,

Conger, Roger N., 1954, Historic log cabins in McLennan County, Texas. Waco, Texas: Heritage Society of Waco,

Connor, Seymor V., 1949, Log cabins in Texas. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly 53(2): 105-115,

Durham, W. T. (1974). Wynnewood. Tennessee Historical Quarterly, 33(2), 127–156.

Dwyer, Charles P., 1872, The Immigrant builder - or practical hints for the handyman. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen, and Haffelfinger,

Glassie, Henry

                1963 The Appalachian log cabin. Mountain Life and Work 39(4): 5-14.

                1964 The smaller outbuildings of the southern mountains. Mountain Life and Work. 21-29.

                1965a A central chimney continental log house. Pennsylvania Folklife 18(2); 33-39.

                1965b The old barns of Appalachia. Mountain Life and Work, summer: 21-29.

                1968a Pattern in the material folk culture of the eastern United States. Philadelphia; University of Philadelphia Press.

                1968b The types of the southern mountain cabin. Appendix C of Jan Bruvand’s  The Study of American Folklore. New York: W. W. Norton.

                1975 Folk housing in Middle Virginia. Knoxville; University of Tennessee Press.

Giles, Henry E., Janice Holt Giles, 1963, A little better than plumb: the bibliography of a house. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin,

Heimsath, Clovis, 1968, Pioneer Texas buildings - a geometry lesson. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press,

Hendershott, Allan, 1937, Handicrafts in the southern highlands. New York: The Russell Sage Foundation,

Hulan, R. H. (1975). Middle Tennessee and the Dogtrot House. Pioneer America, 7(2), 37–46.

Jeffers, Jack, Jack Jeffers Photography collection, This collection is divided into eight series based primarily on the geographic region in which the images were photographed. Series include: Series I: Appalachian; Series II: North Carolina and Tennessee;

Johnston, Francis B., 1941, The early architecture of North Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,

Robbie D. Jones, "Wynnewood", [Castalian Springs, Tennessee], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Jordan, Terry G., 1978, Texas log buildings; a folk architecture. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press,

Jordan, Terry G., 1976 Log timbering in Texas. Pioneer America 8(1): 8-18.

Pillsbury, R., and A. Kardos, 1970, A field guide to folk architecture of the northeastern United States. Hanover, N.H.; Dartmouth College Press,

Kelley, J. Frederick, 1924, Early domestic architecture of Connecticut. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,

Kniffen, F., & Glassie, H. (1966). Building in Wood in the Eastern United States: A Time-Place Perspective. Geographical Review, 56(1), 40–66.

Kniffen, F. (1963). The Physiognomy of Rural Louisiana. Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association, 4(4), 291–299.

Montell, W. L., 1976, Kentucky folk architecture. Lexington, Ky.: Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf, University Press,

Owens, Seldon, Ben, 2003, The Dogtrot House Type In Georgia: A History and Evolution, University of Georgia,

Smith, J. M. (Ed.). (1959). Seventeenth-Century America: Essays in Colonial History. University of North Carolina Press.

Rosenberger, Jesse Leonard, 1923 The Pennsylvania Germans : a sketch of their history and life, of the Mennonites, and of side lights from the Rosenberger family, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,

Rodning, Christopher, B.,2011, Cherokee Townhouses: Architectural Adaptation to European Contact in the Southern Appalachians, North American Archaeologist, Vol. 32(2) 131-190,

Thomas, James C., 1974 The log houses of Kentucky. Antiques 105: 791-798,

Wacker, Peter 0., and Bob Trindel, 1969, The log house in New Jersey - origins and diffusion. Keystone Folklore Quarterly: Winter,

Weslager, C. A. (1955). LOG HOUSES IN PENNSYLVANIA DURING THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, 22(3), 256–266.

Willis, Stanley, 1972 Log houses in southwest Virginia: tools used in their construction. Virginia Cavalcade 21(4): 36-47,

Wilson, Eugene M., 1975, Alabama Folk House, University of South Alabama, Alabama Historical Commission and U. S. Department of the Interior,

WILSON, Mary, 1984, The Rocky Mountain Cabin, Log Cabin Studies, Cultural Resources No.9, Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA),

Woods, John, 1904 Two years residence in settlements on the English prairie. Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, edited by Rueben G. Thwaites: 274-279. Cleveland,

Vlach, J. M. (1995). Fred B. Kniffen’s Milestones in American Folklife Study. The Journal of American Folklore, 108(429), 328–333.

Zelinsky, Wilbur,  1953 The log house in Georgia. Geographical Review 43(2): 173-193,,

D. - Outside the United States

Alnaes, Eyvind, et al., 1950, Norwegian architecture throughout the ages. Oslo, Norway: H. Aschehough and Co.

Arthur, Eric Ross, 1938 The early buildings of Ontario. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press,

Boethius, Cerda

                1927 Studier i den Nordiska timmerbyggnadskonsten. Stockholm, Sweden.

                1977 The Canadian log house. Prince George, B.C.

Bugge, Gunnar, and Christian Norborg-Schulze, 1969, Early wooden architecture in Norway. Oslo, Norway: Byggekunst.

Burcaw, George E., 1973 The Saxon House as a cultural index in European ethnography. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press.

Clemson, Donovan, 1974 Living with logs: British Columbia’s log buildings and rail fences. Sanichton, B.C.: Hancock House.

Erexon, Sirgud, 1937, The north European technique of corner-timbering. Folkliv 1:56-68.

Glmbutas, Margla, 1956, The prehistory of Eastern Europe. Cambridge, Mass.: The Peabody Museum.

                1963 The Balts. London, England: Thames and Hudson.

Gowans, Alan, 1958, Looking at architecture in Canada. Toronto, Ontario: Oxford, University Press.

Gullet, Edwin G., 1963, The pioneer farmer and backwoods man. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.

Hale, Richard W., 1963 The French side of the log cabin myth. Mass. Historical Society: 118-125.

Hansen, Hans Jurgen, 1971 Architecture in wood. London, England: Faber and Faber.

Hallerot, Bjorn, 1965, Timmerhus. Falv Nya Boktryckeri, Artifbolag.

Carter, Thomas, North European Horizontal Log Construction in the Sanpete-Sevier Valleys, Utah Historical Quarterly, Vol. 52, 1984, No. 1,

Jacquet, Pierre, 1963 The Swiss chalet. Zurich: Orell Fussll.

Kavll, Guthorm, et al., 1958 Norwegian Architecture - past and present. Oslo, Norway: Dreyers Forlag,

Mackie, B. Allan

                1972 Building with logs. Prince George: Hairy Woodpecker Publications.

                1974- The Canadian log house (annual publication). Prince George: Allan

                1978 Mackie Publications.

Mercer, Eric, 1975, English vernacular architecture, on Historical Documents. London, England: Royal Commission,

Noble, A. G. (1981). Sod Houses and Similar Structures: A Brief Evaluation of the Literature. Pioneer America, 13(2), 61–66.

Henry, Lorne, 1938 Pioneer days in Ontario. Toronto, Ontario: Ryerson Press,

Rempel, J. I. (1967). Building with Wood and Other Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Building in Central Canada. University of Toronto Press.

Richardson, A. J. H. (1973). A Comparative Historical Study of Timber Building in Canada. Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology, 5(3), 77–102.

Ritchie, T., 1967 Canada buildings - 1867-1967., Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press,

Ritchie, T. (1971). Plankwall Framing, a Modern Wall Construction with an Ancient History. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 30(1), 66–70.

Roberts,Warren, 1976, Some comments on log construction in Scandinavia and the United States. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Folklore Institute, Indiana University,

Wonders, W. C. (1979). Log Dwellings in Canadian Folk Architecture. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 69(2), 187–207.

Construction and Restoration

Anderson, L. 0., 1975 Wood house construction. Agricultural Handbook 73. Washington: Government Printing Office,

Angier, Bradford, 1952 How to build your home in the woods. New York: Sheridan House, Hart Publishing,

Brimmer, Frank E., 1925, Camps, log cabins, lodges, and clubhouses. New York: D. Appleton and Company,

Coon, Milton C.; Editor 1964 Restoration and preservation of historic buildings. Building Research 1(5). Provides benchmark data for the documentation of historic structures,

DeGroot, Rodney C., 1976 Your wood can last for centuries. USDA. Washington: Government Printing Office.

Billion, Ralph P.; Editor, 1938 Sunset's cabin book. San Francisco: Sunset Magazine.

Fikes, C. P.; Editor, 1935, Construction and maintenance of Forest improvements. Region 1 Handbook, U.S. Forest Service., An excellent source of techniques, plans, and construction concepts utilized by the Forest Service throughout the Rocky Mountain west.

Fikes, C. P.; 1957 Building with logs. U.S. Forest Service misc. publication 579,

Goblet, Nancy, 2006, Moving Historic Buildings: One Means of Preservation, Cornell University,

Goodall, Harrison, and Renee Friedman, 1980, Log structures; preservation and problem-solving. Nashville, Tenn.: Society for State and Local History,

Hard, Roger, 1977 Build your own low-cost log house. Charlotte, Vt.: Garden Way Associates,

Hunt, Walter B., 1939, Rustic construction. Milwaukee, Wis.: Bruce Publishing Company,

Hunt, Walter B., 1939, How to build and furnish a log cabin. New York: Collier - Macmillan Company (revised editions also 1947, 1974),

Hutslar, Donald A., 1974, Log cabin restoration; guidelines for the historical society. History News (History Technical Leaflet 74),

Bullock,  Orin M, 1966, The Restoration Manual; an illustrated guide to the preservation and restoration of old buildings, American Institute of Architects. Committee on Historic Buildings,

Leitch, William C., 1976, Hand-hewn: the art of building your own cabin. San Francisco: Chronicle Books,

Livingstone, Jeffery, 1955 Build your own summer camp or cabin. New York; McGraw-Hill Company,

Mason, Bernard S., and Frederick H. Kock, 1947, Cabins, cottages and summer homes. New York: A. S. Barnes and Company,

Meinecke, Conrad E., 1947, Cabin crafts and outdoor living. Buffalo, N.Y.:

Phillips, R. A. G., 1976 Moving and erection of log buildings. Heritage Canada: November,

Rowell, Black, Gjovik, and Feist, 1977 Protecting log cabins from decay. Madison, Wis.: USDA-Forest Service; Forest Products Laboratory General Technical Report PPL-11,

Rostrum, Calvin, 1972, The wilderness cabin. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. St. George, R. A.,

St. George, R. A.- author 1956, Protecting log cabins from insects in the eastern United States. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office No. 2104,

St. George, R. A. (1970) Protecting log cabins, rustic work, and unseasoned wood from injurious insects in the eastern United States. [Washington U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off],

Scharff, Robert, 1952 Complete summer homes handbook. New York: Prentice-Hall,

Schutte, John A. C., 1973, Record of log house restoration - New Salem, Illinois, Springfield, Ill.: Illinois State Historical Society,

Walton, Harry , 1964, How to build your cabin or vacation home. New York: Popular Science, Book; Harper and Roe Publishers,

Warrick, John, 1949 How to build a log cabin. Detroit, Mich.: G. H. Munger,

Wicks, William S., 1889 Log cabins: how to build and furnish them. New York: Forest and Stream Publishing Company,

Other Sources

Barrick, Mac E., 1986. The Log House as Cultural Symbol. Material Culture 18(1): 1-19,

Barth, Fredrik, 1998, Pathan Identity and Its Maintenance. In Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference, edited by Fredrik Barth, pp. 117-34. Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press, Inc. (originally published 1969; reissued 1998),

Breen, T.H., 1985. Tobacco Culture: The Mentality of the Great Tidewater Planters on the Eve of the Revolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press, &.

Bucher, Robert C., 1962. The Continental Log House. Pennsylvania Folklife 12(4): 14-19,

Yoder, Don; Robacker, Earl F.; Keyser, Alan G.; Bucher, Robert C.; Shaner, Richard; and Meade, Alma B., "Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 12, No. 4" (1962). Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine. 13,

Carson, Cary and Norman F. Barka, William M. Kelso, Garry Wheeler Stone and Dell Upton, 1981. Impermanent Architecture in the Southern American Colonies. Winterthur Portfolio 16(2/3): 135-196,

Chappell, Edward A., 1986. Acculturation in the Shenandoah Valley: Rhenish Houses of the Massanutten Settlement. In Common Places: Readings in American Vernacular Architecture, edited by Dell Upton and John M. Vlach, pp. 27-57. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press,

Deetz, James, 1996. In Small Things Forgotten-the Archaeology of Early American Life. New York: Doubleday,

Emberling, Geoff, 1997. Ethnicity in Complex Societies: Archaeological Perspectives. Journal of Archaeological Research 5(4): 295-344,

Fennell, Christopher, 2000. Conjuring Boundaries: Inferring Past Identities from Religious Artifacts. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 4(4): 281-313,

Pocius, G. L. (2021). Folklore, Fieldwork, and Vernacular Architecture: Reflections by Henry Glassie. Material Culture Review, (90-91), 176–208. Retrieved from

Glassie, Henry, 1965. The Pennsylvania Barn in the South. Pennsylvania Folklife 15(2): 8-19, Part 1 -

Glassie, Henry, 1968. Pattern in the Material Folk Culture of the Eastern United States. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,

Glassie, Henry, 1975. Folk Housing in Middle Virginia: A Structural Analysis of Historic Artifacts. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press,

Glassie, Henry, 1987. Vernacular Architecture and Society. In Mirror and Metaphor: Material and Social Constructions of Reality, edited by Daniel W. Ingersoll, Jr. and Gordon Bronitsky, pp. 230-45. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America,

Hodder, Ian, 1982. Symbols in Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

Jones, Sian, 1997. The Archaeology of Ethnicity. London: Routledge,

Jordan, Terry G., 1976. Log Corner-Timbering in Texas. Pioneer America 8(1): 8-18,

Jordan, Terry G., 1985. American Log Buildings: An Old World Heritage. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,

Jordan, Terry G., 1980. Alpine, Alemannic and American Log Architecture. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 70(2): 154-80,

Weaver, W. W. (1986). The Pennsylvania German House: European Antecedents and New World Forms. Winterthur Portfolio, 21(4), 243–264.

Kniffen, F.B. (1965). FOLK HOUSING: KEY TO DIFFUSION1. Annals of The Association of American Geographers, 55, 549-576,

Kniffen, F., & Glassie, H. (1966). Building in Wood in the Eastern United States: A Time-Place Perspective. Geographical Review, 56(1), 40–66.

Lanier, Gabrielle M. and Bernard L. Herman, 1997. Everyday Architecture of the Mid-Atlantic: Looking at Buildings and Landscapes. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,

Lay, K. Edward, 1982. European Antecedents of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Germanic and Scots-Irish Architecture in America. Pennsylvania Folklife 32(1): 2-43,

Smith, J. M. (Ed.). (1959). Seventeenth-Century America: Essays in Colonial History. University of North Carolina Press.

Francis M. Carroll, The Scots Irish of Early Pennsylvania: A Varied People, Journal of American History, Volume 106, Issue 2, September 2019, Pages 436–437,

Meehan, J. (1980). Demonstrating the Use of Log House Building Tools at the New Windsor Cantonment. Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology, 12(4), 39–44.

Mercer, Henry C., 1967. The Origin of Log Houses in the United States. Doylestown, Pennsylvania: The Bucks County Historical Society,

Mercer, Henry C., 1923. The Dating of Old Houses. Watkins Glen, New York: American Life Education & Study Institute ,

Nelson, Lee H., 1968. Nail Chronology as an Aid to Dating Old Buildings. American Association for State and Local History Technical Leaflet No. 48. History News Vol. 24, No. 11 (Nov. 1968),;1726976624&q-key-time=1726976504;1726977404&q-header-list=&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=eb4ad6c59e706682c2292fb8ecc32cbfa4fe22e3

Priess, P., 1978, An annotated bibliography for the study of building hardware, Ottawa : Parks Canada : available from Print. and Pub., Supply and Services Canada,

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More References

KELLY, J. Frederick, AIA, 1924, The Early Domestic Architecture of Connecticut, New Haven: Yale University Press

ALLCOTT, John V., 1963, Colonial  Homes in North  Carolina, A Publication of The Carolina Charter Tercentenary Commission, Box 1881, Raleigh, North Carolina

SWANSON WILLIAM, 1948, Log Cabins, McMillan Company, New York

STICKLY, Gustov, 1909, Craftsman Homes, The Craftsman Publishing Company,  New York City

BLACK, Patti Carr, 2020, Mississippi Piney Woods: A Photographic Study of Folk Architecture, Release date: April 10, 2020

KILPINEN, Jon T., "The Front Gabled Log Cabin and the Role Of The Great Plains In The Formation of the Mountain West's Built Landscape" (1995). Great Plains Quarterly. Paper 1046,

RODNING, Christopher B., 2011, Cherokee Townhouses: Architectural Adaptation to European Contact in the Southern Appalachians, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2011, Baywood Publishing Co., Inc. doi: 10.2190/NA.32.2.b

CROFT, Janet Brennan. "[Review.]." Rev. of American Myths, Legends, and Tall Tales: An Encyclopedia of American Folklore, edited by Christopher R. Fee and Jeffrey B. Webb (online version). Reference Reviews 31.8 (2017): 6-9.

POCIUS, Gerald, L., 2020, Folklore, Fieldwork, and Vernacular Architecture: Reflections by Henry Glassie, Interview and Introduction


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