The Book

The book "House of the Messenger" is anticipated to be completed and available spring 2025.

The house reconstruction has started, and more information needs to be collected for incorporating into the book.  Some rewriting will occur and obviously there will be some small design changers.

"House of the Messenger" stands as a comprehensive testament to the remarkable efforts dedicated to the recovery, reconstruction, and restoration of the Joseph Greer Dogtrot log house in Lincoln County, Tennessee. Beyond chronicling the restoration process, this publication delves deeply into the historical significance of log houses during the early American period, exploring their construction techniques and their pivotal role in shaping the nation's development. This narrative transcends mere documentation, offering readers a nuanced understanding of the broader historical context surrounding the Joseph Greer House.

Central to the narrative is the exploration of the unique alignment between the Joseph Greer House and the imperative need for a period log house at Camp Blount, Fayetteville, Tennessee. This synchronicity creates an extraordinary opportunity for preservation, weaving together the threads of historical relevance and architectural heritage. The interplay of these elements is carefully examined, shedding light on the broader implications of preserving such structures and their contribution to our collective understanding of the past.

The publication is dedicated to preservation efforts, meticulously unfolding the initial stages of reclamation and the retrieval of the original, two-hundred-year-old (plus), house materials. Through a harmonious blend of written accounts and visually compelling photographs generously provided by participants, the tremendous effort exerted in collecting the logs and materials for the preservation project is vividly portrayed. Each step of the restoration process is detailed, from judicious site selection to final finishing touches. The accompanying visual display serves as a testament to the craftsmanship involved, offering readers an immersive journey through the meticulous restoration work.

Moreover, the narrative emphasizes the historic significance of the Joseph Greer House and its pivotal role in preserving Lincoln County's and Tennessee's heritage. Recognizing the fundamental importance of historic buildings and sites in our comprehension of the past, the Camp Blount Historic Site Association actively collaborates with the Tennessee State Historic Commission to establish a lasting legacy for the Camp Blount Historical Site as a valuable repository of architectural heritage. Through the pages of this publication, the Joseph Greer Chapter of the Tennessee Society, Sons of the American Revolution (TNSSAR), takes pride in sharing their extensive research and labors, making it accessible to the public and contributing to the broader narrative of our historical understanding. 

All proceeds from the sale of the "House of the Messenger" support the Joseph Greer Chapter and the Tennessee Society, Sons of the American Revolution. The funds will be allocated to historical and educational programs dedicated to the founding principles of the republic and the Constitution of the United States.

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