| The work to sort and arrange the logs in preparation for the construction has begun. Logs have been moved from the edge of the wood line, and rearranged. The logs have been stored on top of concrete blocks to keep them off of the ground and covered with tarpaulins. The same technique applies, except the logs are arranged better for viewing and selection over a wider area.  | Drone view of the Mud Sills logs and puncheons, with other logs separated and groups in the work vicinity. |
Most of the logs used in the reconstruction were collected and stored near the reconstruction site on concrete blocks, so they would not be in contact with the ground. They were covered had lats lain between them to allow for air circulation and were covered with a heavy tarpaulin. Other logs were bought from local sawmills, which were very enthusiastic about helping with supplying logs for the effort.
To ease their installation, a systematic sorting process was carried out, categorizing them based on their designated positions in the structure. Subsequently, the logs were carefully arranged in the correct sequence on the ground. Any logs that needed replacement due to decay or unsuitability were found and set aside to serve as templates, and in some cases, decayed portions were cut out, and the timber used for other purposes.
For the replacement logs, locally sourced logs were obtained. The floor sleepers were cut from Red Cedar, a plentiful and insect-resistant species. With the original logs as precise guides, these new logs were meticulously fashioned to replicate their predecessors.  | Original Two hundred twenty-year-old logs and lumber being staged and sorted.
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