Joseph Greer House - UPDATE (14 September 2024)

  Preparation of the Logs

The work to sort and arrange the logs in preparation for the construction has begun.

Logs have been moved from the edge of the wood line, and rearranged.  The logs have been stored on top of concrete blocks to keep them off of the ground and covered with tarpaulins.  The same technique applies, except the logs are arranged better for viewing and selection over a wider area.   Here is a selection of pictures.

Drainage Work In Progress

Additionally, the excavation of the drainage ditch at the bottom of the hill, leading up to the Joseph Greer House, is underway.  The muddy ditch is being improved to eliminate water collecting at the bottom of the hill, improve water run off control into the Elk River, while aesthetically improving the site.










All proceeds from the sale of the "House of the Messenger" support the Joseph Greer Chapter and the Tennessee Society, Sons of the American Revolution. The funds will be allocated to historical and educational programs dedicated to the founding principles of the republic and the Constitution of the United States.

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