Is there a Historic Preservation and Building Codes Solution Catalog?
There isn't a single "Historic Preservation and Building Codes Solution Catalog" that encompasses all aspects of historic preservation and building codes. However, there are various resources, publications, and organizations that provide guidance and information on this topic. These resources often include guidelines, case studies, and best practices for addressing historic preservation within the context of building codes and regulations. Here are some key resources to consider:
- National Park Service (NPS): The NPS provides a range of guidance documents, standards, and publications related to historic preservation and building codes. One of the most notable resources is the "Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties," which provides principles for preserving, rehabilitating, restoring, and reconstructing historic buildings.
- International Code Council (ICC): The ICC offers codes and standards for building safety and fire prevention. While they don't specifically focus on historic preservation, they provide the basis for many local building codes. Local jurisdictions often adapt these codes and may include provisions for historic structures.
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): NFPA develops fire safety codes and standards, including NFPA 914: Code for Fire Protection of Historic Structures. This standard addresses fire protection in historic buildings and structures.
- National Trust for Historic Preservation (Saving Places): The National Trust offers resources and publications related to preserving historic properties, which may include guidance on navigating building codes while preserving historic character.
- State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs): State-level SHPOs often provide guidance and resources specific to historic preservation within their respective states. They can be valuable sources of information on local building codes and preservation requirements.
- Local Preservation Commissions: Many localities have historic preservation commissions or boards that can provide guidance on navigating building codes and preservation requirements at the local level. National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
- 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design: To assist with building accommodations for inclusion of all Americans and other visitors to the site.
While there may not be a single comprehensive catalog, these resources, along with consultation with preservation professionals and local authorities, can help property owners, architects, and preservationists address historic preservation concerns within the context of building codes. Additionally, it's possible that new resources have been developed since my last update, so I recommend checking with relevant preservation organizations and agencies for the most current information. The "House of the Messenger" draws upon all of these resources as well as historical documents, journals, books, websites, reports to envelope the context of Joseph Greer, and his house in the early Tennessee frontier.
All proceeds from the sale of the "House of the Messenger" support the Joseph Greer Chapter and the Tennessee Society, Sons of the American Revolution. The funds will be allocated to historical and educational programs dedicated to the founding principles of the republic and the Constitution of the United States.